Simply Put...

    An androgyne is a person who feels they are not wholly male or female. This feeling can be expressed in many different ways, which will be explored in another section. 
   Androgynes do not need to look androgynous although some wish to. Being androgyne is primarily an internal identity and not an image a stand or a counter cultural position. An androgyne can look like any other kind of person.     
  Androgynes  can be gay or straight or bisexual or any of the other sexual orientation as you can think of.

     And that's where agreement ends...we can't even agree on how to pronounce it....



Being the sort of soul I is, I've got my own theory.
I explain it in the video below, but I thought I'd give a brief description here.

I think an androgyne is a person who does not have the brain patterns of either gender. Where many foetuses are hormonally washed early in the pregnancy  and male or female brain patterns emerge, androgynes are either not washed or maybe not strongly enough.

This means the young androgyne does not have the in built knowledge of their masculinity or femininity that is then refined by social practice and learning. Everything an androgyne learns about being a boy or a girl is not backed out by in depth belief and knowledge of that gender.

The result of this is that most androgynes are undiagnosed. That they are living mostly normal lives, feeling a bit 'off' but never knowing the cause of this 'off-ness' is gender. It is only those who somehow make the links that come to a place where they can find out about being androgyne and then feel right. Which is sort of the purpose of this site I suppose.

Anyway... I probably put it better in the video.